Nominate A Do-Gooder of the Year!
Do Good Days is April 24 - 27. In the spirit of National Volunteer Week, we will celebrate volunteers and nonprofits, encourage volunteering, and honor what doing good means to you. Do Good Days is a great opportunity to show gratitude for current volunteers and the "Do-Gooder of the Year" award is an excellent opportunity to show thanks for all your volunteers do!
SHARE Iowa, an initiative of the Community Foundation for Western Iowa, is excited to announce the "Do-Gooder of the Year" award, an annual award honoring an individual or group who has demonstrated a strong commitment to their community involvement and volunteer service. Only volunteers of SHARE Iowa nonprofit members are eligible to win.
The nomination form will close at 12:00pm on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.
Last year's award winners were a group nominated by New Visions Homeless Services that had been serving in their kitchen for ten years. Winners of the inaugural “Do Gooder of the Year Award” were Rick and Deb Blodgett, Jay and Denise Handrock, Hazel Hughes, and Beth Miller. Brandy Wallar, CEO of New Visions stated “You know, I started here as a 20-something year old girl who was ready to change the world, but I have had the honor of standing back and witnessing this group actually change it.” Wallar continued “Since we have been in the building we are in now, we have had over 15,000 men come through our doors and stay at our shelter. We do not have 15,000 men here now experiencing homelessness because they had somebody who gave them a meal, somebody who looked at them as a person and not a problem, and we are grateful to our volunteers for doing that.”
Pictured below are last year's Do-Gooder Award winners.