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Jack Lewis Safety Fund Open Now!

The Jack Lewis Safety Fund was established in 2018 to memorialize the volunteer spirit of heartland citizens as exemplified by the life of Jack K. Lewis, M.D. (1934-2016).

During his life, Jack Lewis managed to accomplish several lifetimes of professional and volunteer work. After graduating from Stanford University, where he was backup quarterback to future NFL great John Brodie, he studied medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He joined his father’s medical practice and also served UNMC as an associate professor of internal medicine. Jack was an enthusiastic booster of his alma mater, Omaha Central High School, and served as its sports doctor for more than 50 years.

Later in life, Jack’s passion was the Omaha Police Foundation. He served as board president from 2007 until his passing. That organization matured during his time at the helm and marked its most significant achievements during the last five years of his life. It is Jack’s love of those who protect us as first responders that was inspiration for the Jack K. Lewis, M.D. Safety Fund.

This grant program supports police, fire, or EMT departments in second class Nebraska communities and SW Iowa communities in Mills, Harrison, and Pottawattamie Counties. Second class is defined as having 5,000 or fewer residents.  Supporting municipalities or rural boards can also apply.

Application Details

**Please review closely as some items have changed.**

Fund Priorities

Grants can be requested for equipment, personal protection gear, training purposes or facility improvements. The maximum grant amount considered is $50,000, though the average grant distributed is around $15,000. Priority is given to requests with committed dollars raised in the local community.

Tips for Success

Due to a high volume of applications, some requests may unfortunately be declined.  It is recommended for departments to consider the following:

  • Applications missing any of the required items by the deadline will not be considered.  Be sure to answer all questions and include all requested items.
  • Many communities are fundraising for a new ambulance. In an effort to maximize time and impact, please wait to submit an application until your remaining fundraising balance is less than $100,000.
  • There are often questions about requests after they are submitted so your timely reply to staff contact is greatly appreciated!  It is recommended to use a phone number and email address on your application that is checked regularly.


When to Apply

Applicants can apply once per year during their preferred cycle.  Submissions between cycles will be held until the next funding cycle.

 OpensDeadlineFunding Announcements
SPRING CYCLEFebruary 1, 2025April 1, 2025May 19 – June 6, 2025
FALL CYCLEJune 15, 2025Sept. 1, 2025Nov. 17 – Dec. 5, 2025
How to Apply

Applications shall be completed and submitted via an electronic grant portal system. Word and PDF documents sent via email will no longer be accepted.

Click here to read important Application FAQs before applying. Click below to begin the application process.


Eligibility Requirements

  • Entities eligible to apply for this grant program include municipalities, public, tax-exempt organizations as defined by Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or those working with a 501(c)(3) fiscal agent who can receive funds on their behalf.
  • Applicants from previous years may apply.
  • Applicants’ policies and practices must be in alignment with the following non-discrimination clause: The applicant organization does not discriminate in hiring practices or service provision to clients and/or customers based on race, ethnicity, religious preference, age, [mental, emotional, or physical] ability/disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, military service, or gender.

Questions? Contact Cindy at 402-502-0062.