Community Foundation for Western Iowa Launches SHARE Iowa
When the Pottawattamie County Community Foundation began its work in 2007 to help fortify the giving culture in the county and beyond, I feel our Board of Directors had a belief and a dream. The belief was, and still is, to strengthen this part of our state by involving folks who want our community to grow and evolve. Those folks are our neighbors, our friends, our classmates, our co-workers, and our community leaders. Furthermore, the most important person driving this belief of our original Board of Directors back in 2007 was you. That group of leaders knew that you held the key to strengthening and growing the culture of philanthropy in our southwest Iowa region, and that you have the power to create durable, positive change for generations to come. Their belief remains true today and demonstrates itself to be repeatedly true through the amazing growth, change, and impact we see and experience every day.
Their dream was, and still is, to build an organization that catalyzes the strength of our people into collective action that lasts for generations. You and your neighbors have created amazing impact throughout our community…enabling the Community Foundation to build on your impact, by providing enhanced services and programs designed to foster a culture of philanthropy throughout our region. By expanding our services and building the Women’s Fund of Southwest Iowa, the Southwest Iowa Mental Health and Substance Abuse Fund, and the “Make IT Happen” Nonprofit Learning Cohort, the Community Foundation for Western Iowa (our new name as of May 2022) is poised and ready for even more growth and impact toward that original dream.
As the Community Foundation works to build a culture of philanthropy and amplify your generosity and love for our region, we are excited to announce the expansion of SHARE Good Platform in nine counties of southwest Iowa! To better connect you and your neighbors to the impactful services of the nonprofits in Iowa, the Community Foundation is taking the lead in bringing SHARE Iowa to our communities. Our partners in this excitement, SHARE Omaha, are working right alongside us to build this dynamic tool, which you and your neighbors can use as a springboard for hyperlocal impact that creates a tidal wave of good!
This resource is designed to help build the capacity of our area nonprofits by making it fun and easy for you to be involved in their work in a meaningful way. Our goal is also to help our Iowa nonprofits showcase their work on a platform that amplifies our Iowa communities, and our culture of giving that makes Iowa unique. Whether it is volunteering to play with puppies at Harrison County Humane Society or make a $10 donation to help provide walkie-talkies for the Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa, you can be more involved and make a difference right here where we live by supporting our nonprofits in a way that makes your heart happy. The SHARE Iowa platform expansion is set to go LIVE on September 13, during an event celebrating the launch at Iowa Western Community College at 4 p.m., hosted by Dr. Dan Kinney and his lovely wife Jennifer, and presented by Travis Castle of American Family Insurance. We are very happy and grateful for the generosity of the Charles E. Lakin Foundation, Iowa Council on Foundations, and Google for this opportunity to build on the good work SHARE is doing in our metro area and look forward to bringing this exciting resource to our entire region.
You are the catalyst for amazing growth and positive change in western Iowa, and far beyond! As your impact grows, we are excited and honored to stand with you, as your partner in charitable impact. Thank you for helping to make this dream a reality.