Keep Kids Alive Drive 25
The mission of Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 is to make streets safer for all who walk, cycle, play, drive, and ride. Our services include: 1. Consultation and support resources for communities in developing traffic safety education campaigns that engage residents 2. Through "Live Forward!" we support families who have experienced the death of a loved one due to a traffic incident 3. PublicService Announcements (PSAs) addressing many of the behaviors that contribute to traffic deaths and injuries. 4. Our "Keep Kids Alive" podcast shares inspiring stories of our mission. Your donation supports KKAD25 in growing our educational mission and supports our direct work with families whose loved ones died in traffic incidents through our "Live Forward!" initiatives. Your generous giving keeps kids - of all ages - living. Thank you.
- We've helped 100s of thousands in over 1700 communities representing 49 states, Canada, Australia, and the Bahamas.
- 94% of traffic deaths are the result of human behaviors: speeding, distracted driving,lack of seat belt use, driving under the influence...
- Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 started in our front yard right here in Omaha. We've grown to touch every state, save one, in America.