What We Do
At Heartland Family Service, we believe in creating a world of limitless opportunity. So everyone can. Our mission is to strengthen individuals, families, and communities through advocacy, education, counseling, and support services. We are committed to building a culture that values and celebrates diversity in addition to creating a trauma-informed environment. Our programs fall under two categories: Counseling & Prevention and Housing, Safety, & Financial Stability. Our services make up a network of services, advocacy, and support that all share a common goal: breaking cycles of barriers, so everyone can.
Interesting Info
- In 2023, we connected with nearly 120,000 individuals and families through advocacy, direct services, education, and outreach.
- Serving communities from our 20 locations in east central Nebraska and southwest Iowa.
- Our vision is: Strong Communities, So Everyone Can.
Geographic Location
Omaha, Sarpy County, NE, Council Bluffs
This nonprofit has an endowed fund with the Community Foundation for Western Iowa. The fund helps you ensure their good work continues into the future. Click the "Donate to Endowment" button at left to support this work.