Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Ian Kimmer
Primary Contact Name
Ian Kimmer
Main Address

PO Box 641609
Omaha, NE 68164
United States

What We Do

Mission: Go Beyond provides year-round outdoor experiences, featuring life-changing Mountain West Adventures.

Vision: Go Beyond's extraordinary outdoor adventures bring diverse groups of young people together to facilitate self-discovery and build community.

Focusing on trauma-impacted youth, our core program brings 13-15 year old's together from across our communities through year-round outings, building from our world-class mountain expeditions each summer. Our campers can continue their personal and job-skills growth through our Natural Leaders junior counselor program, ages 16-21, and many earn their first job as a paid member of our leadership teams

Our agency partnerships actively provide these Go Beyond opportunities to under-served groups from across our community, folks who would otherwise never have access.

We provide 366 hours/year together including local rock-climbing, hikes, science trips, and the mountain expedition of a lifetime. We create access to the outdoors and new trajectories with trauma-impacted youth - a new understanding of ourselves and diverse others growing from a wholly new peer group, none of our campers know each other prior to Go Beyond.

Interesting Info
  • Over 1200 young people from over 50 area schools and nonprofit partners have gone through our program in our 40 year history!
  • A world-class mountain expedition experience provided at no cost! Our Centennial Ranch and Alpine Mountain Camp provide access to the best of the Mountain West!
  • Bringing young people together from across economic and cultural boundaries to learn from and with each other through extraordinary outdoor adventures!
Geographic Location

Nebraska, Iowa

Volunteer Opportunities
Leadership Volunteer
Repeats daily for 1461 times

"I love Go Beyond because of all the helpful people that are in this community, and you get to meet a lot of new people. This is something I never thought I would be able to do. You get to go rock-climbing and a bunch of other fun stuff. So I really encourage you to try it if you want to step out of your comfort zone" - Ethan, Natural Leader
Medicine Bow
Wind River