Connections Area Agency on Aging

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Kelly Butts-Elston
Primary Contact Name
Kelly Butts-Elston
Main Address

231 S Main St
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
United States

Sioux City Office
2301 Pierce St
Sioux City, IA 51104
United States

109 N Elm St
Creston, IA 50801
United States

What We Do

Connections Area Agency on Aging is your one stop shop for aging in place in Iowa. We enhance the quality of life for elders through education, planning, and coordination of services.

Connections Area Agency on Aging provides services and supports to older Iowans and their caregivers in the following Iowa counties: Adair, Adams, Cass, Cherokee, Clarke, Decatur, Fremont, Harrison, Ida, Mills, Monona, Montgomery, Page, Plymouth, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Taylor, Union, and Woodbury.

Services we provide include: information and assistance, service navigation, meal programs, caregiver support, respite services, consumer protection, evidence-based health programs, advocacy, Older Worker Program, and recreation and educational programs.
Offices are conveniently located in Council Bluffs, Creston, and Sioux City.

Interesting Info
  • When asked, 90% of older Iowans would like to age in place in their own homes. We help make that happen.
  • In 2018, we delivered 99,883 meals to homebound seniors in our 20 county service area.
Geographic Location

Cass County, Fremont County, Harrison County, IA, Mills County, IA, Montgomery County, Page County, Pottawattamie County, IA, Shelby County, Monona County

Volunteer Opportunities
Repeats daily for 365 times

Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) program facilitator
Repeats daily for 365 times
Duration of 23 hours 59 minutes

Matter of Balance Coach
Repeats daily for 365 times

Meals on Wheels Delivery
Repeats weekly on Thursday, 10am - 11:45am for 200 times
Duration of 1 hour 45 minutes

Advisory Council Members - every other month
Repeats every 2 days on Thursday for 365 times
Daily for 365 times